
Links to Partner and related organizations

HGIS Lab at the University of Saskatchewan
The first of its kind in Canada, the Historical Geographic Information Systems Lab in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, hosts several of collaborators participating in this project, notably its director Geoffrey Cunfer, and “environmental and digital historian” Jim Clifford.

Neptis Foundation
The Neptis Foundation sees historical urban development as the context for future urban planning. For examples see many of their publications, including “The Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe in Historical Perspective.”

Toronto Green Community – Lost Rivers
or the story behind the Lost Rivers project and to read about their walks and other activities, see An Introduction.

Esri Canada
Esri Canada has generously supported our project with consulting and staff programming time. The related ArcGIS Online Story Maps Gallery website contains community-contributed historical maps, among others.

NICHE – Network in Canadian History & Environment has been the research home for many project collaborators, and developed many useful related projects such as “The Programming Historian” see:  NICHE – Digital tools.

Links to examples of Historical GIS Portals

Montréal, l’avenir du passé (Memorial University of Newfoundland)
Partner Robert Sweeny of Memorial University was a founding member of the MAP project. Maps are viewable and GIS files are downloadable from this site.

Historical GIS Clearinghouse and Forum (Association of American Geographers)
Wide-ranging and valuable listing of HGIS data sources and projects.

Links to examples of Historical GIS or mapping websites

Historical Atlas of Canada Online Learning Project
Early web-mapping version of selected printed Atlas maps, using ArcIMS, based at the University of Toronto.

Spatial History Project at Stanford University. Some of the best visualizations of a diverse range of projects. Primarily using Flash graphics software for mapping.

HGIS Lab – HGIS links page
Lengthy listing of links to HGIS and historical mapping projects, maintained by the HGIS Lab at the University of Saskatchewan.


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